Falcons Lose to O’Hara 23-6

Game Summary
As was written on the football team site, the Falcon running game was all but non-existent. The only offensive bright spot in this game was Anthony Reid, who performed better than his 8-17-150-1-1 stats. Anthony threw a couple of sure touchdown passes which were dropped by receivers. But, the offense never really got going much in this game, with the exception being a nice 87 yard touchdown pass to Dave Sherman. Defensively, the Falcons held the top three O’Hara runners to season lows in yards. Corey Brown recorded his most attempts of the season, but his lowest output. Now, the team needs to prepare for their game next week against Glen Mills.

Did You Notice……
….Sitting in the North endzone, under the Falcon Tent, was John Beck, a former football player and grad from the class of 1936.

Coach Szydlik welcoming game co-captain and class of '36 grad, John Beck

John Beck, with Tom Kaiser and Abigale Jackson, Mr Beck's granddaughter

….That there were quite a lot more fans in the stands than we’ve seen in recent weeks. Could that be due to the nice Saturday weather that we enjoyed for this game? Let’s hope it continues throughout the season.

….There was no Taylor Rand singing the National Anthem. Could this be the reason why we didn’t win? We did miss Taylor. The O’Hara band played the Anthem for this game.

….The team used a different locker room for this game. Not sure why there was a change, but the door for this locker room is more accessible to the field

….Former AD and current Director of Institutional Advancement, Tom Kaiser, was filling in for our Athletic Director. We can only assume that our AD, Paul Dixon, was back at his office mapping out the locations of our soccer and football home games. Apparently, with Lighthouse field no longer being at Front and Erie, Mr Dixon decided to double check the locations of all of the home games. Please note that Northeast High School is now at Cottman and Algon, in NE Philly, not the location of the old Edison high school, where it used to be until the late 1950’s.

Faces in the Crowd…..
….Spotted in the crowd entering the game was Bill Feltwell and his daughter Jules. We think we overheard that Jules, a four time All Catholic bowler from Little Flower, was now attending Gwynedd Mercy

….At halftime, we ran into Shaun Gallagher, former Falcon baseball player and 2003 grad.

….Mike McBride arranged for his head to get into the stadium. Mike was accompanied by, not one, but three lovely ladies.

Mike McBride (right), along with Casey Grady (granddaughter of Dr John Grady '55),
Mike's daughter Siobhan and Erin Moran (no relation to Joanie, from Happy Days)

….The Roman Catholic contingent was seen in the house. Head Coach Joe McCourt, whose dad and uncle played for North back in the day, was seen sitting with former Roman coach and North grad, Jim Murphy.

….We spotted John Connors in the north end of the bleacher section. John is an old neighbor of mine and he has been seen a couple of times at football and basketball games with his dad, Doctor Connors, class of 1937.

….Our normal superfans were in attendance. We spotted Tim Murphy sitting in the bleachers with North grad and AOH brother, Dennis James. Ed White ’55, made a point to say hello. You can usually find Mr White at just about any North game.

Tim Murphy (m), with his bud and fellow Hibernian, Dennis James (l)

….Hanging out near the gate was basketball assistant coach, Tom Ballard. Tom and the guys are getting ready for another season of basketball.

….Spotted at the game were some former players, Ricardo Pierre, Daryl Robinson and Radcliffe Phillips, all 2007 grads from North
Some former Falcons, all from the class of 2007,
Ricardo Pierre, Daryl Robinson, Radcliffe Phillips

….Watching the game from the south end of the bleacher section was brothers, and former Falcon football players, Joe and Chalie Steinmetz. I’m sure with Joe there, politics were NOT discussed.

Chalie and Joe Steinmetz

Watching the Falcons play O'Hara were former AD and long time teacher, Fran Dougherty, hanging out with Vice Principal for Student Services, Ernie Koschineg

Fran Dougherty and Ernie Koschineg

That wraps up another week of Falcon Football. We’d like to thank all of those who were in attendance as well as those who help make our home games a success. We hope to see you next week, at Glen Mills.