Week 2: Football Team beats Ryan 17-0

In our first home game of the 2009 season, the Falcons’ defense dominated the Archbishop Ryan team throughout the game. Ryan was held to 5 first downs and 62 total yards on offense. As a matter of fact, North led in just about every statistical category, but unlike last week’s game, we also put more points on the board than their opponents. Go to www.NorthCatholicFootball.com for a game summary and stats.

Before we get started, I’d like to recognize those people, who behind the scenes make our home games possible.
As you enter the game, you are greeted by Mike Fagan, our ticket guy. Mike is from the class of 1957 and attends more high school games than anyone I know. He’s good man and I try to stop and talk with him whenever I get to the field.

The Family and Friends of Falcon Football members sell the food and North Catholic merchandise at home games. The money raised by these folks help make the football program successful, and we’d have a hard time fielding a team without them.
Performing the announcing duties was Mike Kaiser, who has been doing announcing duties at football and basketball games for a couple of years now. Once again, Mike called an excellent game. It was such a good job that we’re not even going to mention the fact that he mispronounced Taishan Tucker’s name during the first half…..oops! Too late.
Once again, North Catholic’s version of Kate Smith, Taylor Rand, sang the National Anthem before the game. This young lady sure does have a set of lungs on her and can really belt that song out. Thanks to Taylor and we hope to see you for many games in the future.

Helping with the water for the team are a couple of young ladies who ensure that the players have water on the sidelines as well as on the field during timeouts. Here’s a picture of Jenna, who I believe is in her 3rd or 4th season, along with new water girl, Tiyana. Thanks for the help. It’s really appreciated.

Finally, I’d like to say thanks to Mr Paul Dixon, our Athletic Director. Rumor has it that he was at the game on Saturday, but since I really don’t know what he looks like, I couldn’t get a picture of him. But, there were several sightings of him throughout the day. Mr Dixon is responsible for making sure the game goes off without a hitch, including taking care of arranging for an announcer, referees, national anthem, and general setup of the field prior to the game. We actually forgot about him missing last week’s game. But, then again, the AD is really only required to be at home games. Personal note to Mr Dixon: You really don’t have to make yourself look busy during games (yes, we have ears everywhere) just so people don’t think you’re not doing your job. We all know you did a fine job at the game. And, we all appreciate it.

Did You Notice…..….

The Northeast Catholic tent (see picture above)? Whoever thought of getting this tent (rumor has it that it was Tom Kaiser) made a great decision.

….For the first time that I can remember, we were allowed to use the concession room in the NW corner of the stadium. Usually, our parents have to sell food off tables and have no shelter in the event of bad weather. Thanks go to the folks at Frankford.

….The number of people who stand outside the fence on the south end of the stadium and watch the game for free? Note to these folks…..Break down and buy a friggin ticket. We’ll stop short of calling them deadbeats. Check that......they are deadbeats.
…..Rumor has it that former NC football star, father to a recent grad (Freddy) and current NC player, Al DiMascia, was late for the game. Al insists that he was there on time, but if that’s true and he didn’t stop by to say hello, than we can’t verify it. Sorry Al, but next game you’ll be required to get a late pass and serve 1 day of JUG.
Faces in the Crowd…..….

A few of my old teammates were in attendance. Brian Smith, Ken “Art” Rooney, and Greg Smith (no relation) were at the game. It’s great to see some old classmates at the games.

….2009 graduate and current Villanova student, Shane Rand (Taylor’s brother) stopped by to catch the game. Shane will be missed on the field this year. Shane lettered in football and wrestling at North.

…..Some Super Fans were in attendance for this first home game. Ed White sat with Tim Murphy at the game. I hope to see them both at the soccer game Sunday night. I promised Murph that I wouldn’t mention the fact that he left the game early. We’re not sure if it was because he felt confident that the Falcons had the game in hand, or if it was to get to a party. Knowing Murph, we’re guessing it was the latter. Leaving a game early gets you 10 days JUG. You can begin serving those days on Monday.
….Our Principal, Father Waseline, and President, Father Smith, were catching the game from the sidelines.
….Father Kilty was also saying a prayer for the from the bleacher section.
….We even had a couple of our basketball players in the house for the game.
…. Honorary Falcon, Tom Schweiser, and his lovely wife were spotted in the stands for the game. Tom is such a nice guy that he stopped by just before half with an offer of a hot dog and soda for your favorite blogger. He said that I looked a little hungry. Hell, I always look hungry. That’s just the type of Tom is and that’s why we love him. Also seen in the bottom left hand corner of this picture is Joe Glackin. Joe's a great guy and loves watching his Falcons win.
….Not at the game, but worth mentioning is Mike McBride, class of 1981. Mike had all intentions of showing up for the game, but since the Frankford people nixed the idea of widening the gate so Mike could get that melon on the top of his shoulders into the stadium, he decided to stay at home and catch the game on the internet broadcast. I’m sure we’ll see him at the soccer game Sunday night.

Well, that wraps up another edition of TheFalconNest. Please join the team at Frankford next Saturday when we host the Lions of Cardinal O’Hara in a non-league contest. O’Hara is a real good team and it should be a good challenge for the Falcons. The game will once again be at Frankford stadium at 1:00PM.