Archdiocese Unleases Nuclear Option on North


Education: As They See Fit

On a visceral level, I can understand the decision today to close storied North Catholic and Cardinal Dougherty. As far as I am concerned, the Archdiocese has removed itself from educating all its children to educating those few who can afford it. This happened several years ago as evidenced by its decision to build two new, state of the art high schools in well to do, suburban white areas of Royersford/Pottstown and in Hilltown, Bucks County. Do you think it was just a coincidence that diverse schools like North and Dougherty are the first to fall? My best friend said it best tonight, "the Church is Catholic chasers" and I would add, the whiter, the better because white begets green, green as in money. Furthermore, I would suggest that Catholicism is more about business and money than it is about religion. Cruel assessment I know, but to those who have lived it both as a Catholic and as someone involved with the Church and its children there is no substitute for experience.

This decision, like many that are made by highly secretive and sensitive organizations was heavy handed, and made without any input from the school after repeated efforts and pleadings to allow it to move forward. It was an easy decision (so says the Archdiocese) based on the numbers but I would have to ask you, “do you trust the representatives of the Church to be reliable with future enrollment decisions given its past indescretions” or would one think it would present numbers to rationalize its case?

How then, I ask you, can a school like Little Flower blossom, which is located in the same neighborhoods of North and Cardinal Dougherty. Wouldn’t the impact of the demographics be similar? A cynic might wonder about West Catholic and Hallahan and its demographics and trends. A cynic might ask how many Catholics are being educated at schools like West Catholic (and others)and a cynic might question the motives of some decision makers that once worked there.

I saw a quote today commenting on this decision as a cowardly one. I would have to concur, not only was it cowardly and made by cowards, it became more offensive because of the isolation that the Archdiocese performed on these schools as the decision was being rendered. Isolation over the last six months when the school presented an action plan to make it work and if that fails, close it. That is what gentleman and good business people do, they compromise for the best deal. In this case, our plan and compromise was for the boys that we educate. At least we remember the children.

As a Catholic, I was raised under the assumption that these men who become priests are a level above us in honesty, commitment and religion based on the vows that they took. What I have found to be truer is that those involved in education are dishonest by nature, not interested in the inner city unless it makes money and only religious when it suits their needs such as Sunday mass, weddings and funerals (which all raise money, go figure). In this case in particular, it would give Bernie Madoff a run for his money. Sad to say, but unfortunately true.

Finally, let’s examine the money motive. The schools close and leave 1200 boys and girls to fend for themselves, without any commitment to their financial aide status. The Archdiocese still has responsibility for each physical plant I believe. Those children who decide to continue with their Catholic education would then swell near by schools. This, I would think, would call for additional teachers namely from the closed schools, so what is it really saving? Well, like all good corporate citizens, they would be forcing more boys and girls to seek alternative education systems like public and charter schools transferring the financial burden on the cash strapped City. One might argue that this decision will push more poor and lower middle class children further from the Church. A cynic might question the mission of the Church and one might conclude that it is not about the flock or the children, it’s all about the money.


johnmcfj76 said...

what is the saying???..."what you do to the LEAST of your brothers...that you do unto ME"..

the Catholic Leauge will never be the same...all victories and championships will be shallow...if you don't have to beat North to win it all...its a little less rewarding...

shame on the archdiocese....

Brendan said...

I could not agree more Tom. This is as cowardly as it gets.

Your one mistake was saying the men who make these decisions make Vows like our Oblates, they make promises and apparently they are much easier to break.

I hope they feel good as they continue to line their pockets with all of the money the capital campaign is raising. If the Seminary was a high school it would have been closed years ago based on the numbers game.

Unknown said...

Tom, that was absolutely beautifully & eloquently worded. Thank you. Although it will not stop the closing of the school, it gives me great comfort to know there's someone who understands my thoughts & feelings regarding this cold-hearted, slap in the face decision. God Bless and ONWARD! ONWARD! ONWARD!

Mary Frances Cardamone-Cafollabibnainag said...

THEY HAVE STOLE MY gRANSON,S FUTURE! hE WON FOUR OTHER SCHOLARSHIP, HE CHOOSE North for the curriculium, where doed the rest of his scholarship money go! How can his Mother a 39 yr. old widow come up with the rest of this money will they give him back the last 2 yrs. money to complete his education! in the name of Jesus please dig down deep an sell some Chalices! Little Flower class of 1964, Married my chldhood sweetheart North class of 1962! Onward onward onward....Fondly Mary Frances Cardamone-Cafolla

gakski said...

If I were a betting man I'd be willing to wager that the Alunmi Association will honor all its scholarship committments.

Mike McGlinn said...

Great posting and right to the point.
My faith in God remains strong but my faith in the Catholic church is no more.

Could North possibly survive as a private Catholic school and run as an independent school separate from the arch-diocese like LaSalle & Prep?
Mike McGlinn

gakski said...

Someone has posted the Alma Mater on You Tube. Search "North Catholic Alma Mater" on You Tube.

bryguy_23 said...

It is so true that the Archdiocese is run like a business. It is a shame that they are more interested in making money than educating kids. This move shows that they want out of the city. So my question is that if these schools close and the students go to some of the Diocese "precious" schools like Roman or Judge then won't those schools end up the same way as North and Dougherty? Why doesn't the Archdiocese leave the city completely and pull out of all the city Catholic schools? Maybe if the leaders of the church would stop their many indiscretions then things like this might never happen. I can't understand how they can look past all the tradition and just do what they are doing. Fight, and Fight hard NORTH CATHOLIC! Onward!

rzklkng said...

Absolutely. Even more cynicall, they are abandoning the poorest to prey on the weakest on most desperate - note the plans on retirement communities and nursing homes, where you basically surrender your wealth to the church when you die instead of giving it to your loved ones.

They have no one to blame but themselves for this.

Unknown said...

Unfortunately, this is exactly what I said in 1993 when they Closed St. james ( 1975 Alum ). They decided to send the children from Chester the poorest city in the US at the time out to Springfield at cardinal O'Hara wher a 3rd of the students drove themselves to school. Didn't work then and won't work now. It is all about the money.